Geotechnicoal provides industry-leading Geotechnical and Geological Support to the Australian and International Underground Mining Community.
Our specialist services include:
Operational Geotechnical Support
- Selection of support consumables
- Development and optimization of Strata Hazard Management systems for coal mines including; Risk management, Principal hazard management plans, TARPs and, procedural audits and reviews
- Formulation of mine support rules drafting, consumables specification, layout and presentation
- Geotechnical and geological hazard plans for production panels
- Geotechnical inspections of underground workings and support mapping
- Training in strata management and mine geomechanics
Geotechnical Analysis
- Extensometry data
- Horizontal and vertical stress characterisation
- Rock mass classification: CMRR, GSR, RQD, RSI, UCS
- Geomechanical testing for rock mass classification (Point load testing / CMRR)
- Sonic: UCS correlation
- Machine learning (neural networks) applied to ground control
Geotechnical Design
- Roadway support, pillar design and reporting utilising;
- RS2 (Phase 2) modelling package
- Pillar design (UNSW PDP, FOS, LaModel)
- Brittle-tensile failure analysis
- Voussoir beam analysis
Legislative authority and oversight capabilities
- Senior engineer oversight and mentoring
- Provision of direct supervision by Registered Engineers (RPEQ) as per the Queensland Engineer Act (2002).
- Chartered Professional / Registered Engineer Signatory authority (Geotechnical – Mining)
Operational Geological Support
- Underground geological mapping of development and longwall panels
- Longwall and development grade plans, longwall face sections and profiles
- Structural interpretation
- Formulation of Hazard Plan and Permit to Mine authorisations
Geological and structural interpretation for:
- Business planning
- Mine design optimization
- Development and longwall production
- SIS/ UIS drilling management
Exploration management
- Drill core logging, geotechnical and gas sampling
- Establishment of drilling program for underground coal mines, including planning, costing, reporting, and contractor engagement and management
Geological modelling
- Processing of SIS/ UIS drilling data for geological modeling
- Geological database software (e.g. AcQuire)
- Geological modeling in Vulcan/ Minex
Mine Planning & Continuous Improvement
Mine Planning
- Mine design in AutoCAD or ProgeCAD for XPAC import
- Mine Scheduling in XPAC
- Short-term forecasting and re-forecasting of mine physicals
- Budgeting and long-term planning process
Business improvement
- Operational performance review
- Process Improvement initiatives
- Time Usage Model analyses
- Performance metric analytics
- Data analysis & Dashboard construction
Continuous Improvement
- PDCA – Plan, Do, Check, Act
- DMAIC – Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control
- Kaizen – Housekeeping, Elimination of Waste, Standardisation
Feasibility Studies
Due Diligence
- Review of geological exploration data
- Assessment of rock mass competency
- Pillar design
- Mine layout optimisation
- Assessment of support strategies
- Stress analyses
Extensometer Data management
Data Migration
- Custom-built data importers
- Data migration services performed by Geotechnical Engineers with detailed understanding of information
Data Entry Services
- Offsite entry of tell-tale and other extensometry data sources
- Accurate and timely turnaround of data
- Oversight by Geotechnical Engineers to ensure accuracy
Database clean up services
- Data manipulation
- Standardisation and correction
- Panel / Roadway / Instrument hierarchy optimisation
- Instrument merging and reading transfer
- TARP trigger alerts
- Setup of email and text alert notifications
- Automated switching criteria integration
- Instrument coordinates and chainages
Strata Monitoring Application (SMA)
SMA is a unique strata monitoring software which streamlines and improves efficiency in data management, storage, analysis and geotechnical design in underground coal mines.
Its capacity for Real Time monitoring, integration of tablet data, CAD visualisation and instrument graphing & reporting makes SMA and SMA-RT a must-have solution for all professional geotechnical departments.
To learn how SMA can assist your site and read testimonials from our clients – click here.